First pipe I ever made back in 2009.

First pipe I ever made back in 2009.


Sola Pipes

Founded in 2020, Sola Pipes exists to make quality handmade tobacco pipes to the glory of God alone. From the briar block and stem to finish and stain, every Sola pipe is unique and individually handcrafted from the ground up in Santa Cruz, California. Each pipe is meticulously created to look great and more importantly smoke great so that to the best of your ability you can “smoke to the glory of God”

Why “Sola” Handmade Pipes?

“Sola” is latin for alone. Articulated out of the protestant reformation are a set of Christian doctrines of salvation called the 5 Solas of the reformation. Sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone") sola fide ("by faith alone") sola gratia ("by grace alone") Solus Christus  ("Christ alone") Soli Deo gloria ("glory to God alone"). Together, these foundational doctrines clearly seen in the Bible show every human how they might be saved by God from their sins through Christ Jesus. These doctrines stood in contrast to the teachings of the Roman Catholic church which say that you can indeed be saved by additional means. 

Craftsmen today (and since the beginning of time) have been trying to bring ultimate purpose to their own lives by creating something beautiful for themselves and others by working hard and striving for perfection in their trade.  Unfortunately you cannot fulfill your ultimate purpose and reach your ultimate potential by simply working hard at a craft and creating something great. You can only be ultimately fulfilled by knowing the Lord Jesus Christ because he alone is the source of human creativity, human purpose, and human salvation. 

The  purpose of Sola Pipes is to give credit where credit is due by making excellent handmade goods for His satisfaction alone. God alone should get the glory for every accomplishment human hands can achieve and therefore he gets the glory for every Sola pipe that's made.